November 2021 update
Serious shared concerns with proposals to bring cruise ships into Jervis Bay, and thus the JB Marine Park, led to the creation of a coalition of CCBs called the JB Cruiseship Community Coalition, including BVF, which is researching the issue and preparing a report to be submitted in the consultation for the Draft Management Plan.
September 2021 update
A full Report to the Forum has been provided by Chris as the representative to the Bay and Basin community group coalition handling this matter. A Coalition Committee formed around Jervis Bay CCBs with a Steering Committee formed. A state agency Management Plan is due for release and Coalition to be involved in making a substantial submission in the consultation process.
Following below is text of letter received by Basin Villages Forum, from Cruise Development Manager of the NSW Port Authority.
“NSW Port Authority is undertaking a project to scope the NSW coastline to better understand the maritime capability of regional areas in order to determine what, if any, opportunities there are for cruise visitation across our regional ports. The project identified a number of destinations that could accommodate small cruise visitation with Jervis Bay being one of these regional ports.
Following this, NSW Port Authority has had several discussions with DPI (Jervis Bay Marine Parks) and Navy and these conversations continue as we work together to determine the best locations for anchorage of small cruise vessels in Jervis Bay. We have also since engaged with Shoalhaven City Council executive and Councillors, as well as the Jervis Bay Marine Park Advisory Committee regarding the opportunity for cruise ships to visit Jervis Bay in the future. Over the next few months we will be meeting with Shelley Hancock MP and are planning Community and Stakeholder sessions locally so we can detail the opportunity and hear from community.
We are still very much in the planning and collaboration phase of this project and there hasn’t been any final determination yet, however we are looking at future cruise visitation to regional ports, and potentially Jervis Bay, as follows:
- Expedition and small luxury cruise ships only (between 60 – 300 passengers on board)
- Anchorage within an approved location - in Jervis Bay this would be a location approved by JBMP and would not have any negative effect on the Marine Park
- Domestic passengers only initially – this may open up to international passengers in the future pending travel restrictions being lifted and in line with NSW Health parameters
- Passengers disembark via tenders to a floating pontoon – in Jervis Bay this would be in Huskisson
- Day visits only (approximately 0800 – 1800) and restricted to only ONE cruise ship at a time
- Cruise visitation would be limited and managed, with visit dates communicated and approved in advance with relevant bodies
- Cruise passengers would experience the local region via tours with local operators, or independently visiting the local town
- As is the case in Eden, each cruise visit would be widely communicated to the community well in advance of each visit with information provided as to cruise visit and passengers details
Please also note that Cruise visitation in Australia will only take place after the cruise ban, currently in place until 17 September, has been lifted and in line with Federal Government and NSW Health parameters which includes COVID plans and vaccination of passengers.
Previous cruise visits to Jervis Bay were mainly due to the need to shelter from adverse weather. This project came about not only to realise the economic and social benefit a cruise visit can provide a local community, but also to increase collaboration and visibility of cruise visits to Jervis Bay prior to them arriving, thereby ensuring each visit is the result of consultation and the community is aware in advance.”