What’s happening with the Basin Foreshore Walking Track?
Following below are some notes from the talk by Kerry Thompson, Council’s Natural Areas Operations Officer.
Repairs to the Basin Walking Track are not covered by disaster fund or SCC insurance, as it is a ‘natural asset’.
Storm damage had resulted in footbridges being lifted/destroyed/moved, major track desurfacing /scouring in many places; landslips, and trees uprooted resulting in significant deposition of tree debris.
Many contractors with trucks had been engaged to clear the major deposition of tree debris. Minor deposits have been left; will provide future habitat.
Foot bridges: some were retrieved. Contractors have restabilised others. One footbridge was too bad eroded, so the path will be diverted.
Labour: using SCC budget, has been sourced from maint crew work out of Parks & Reserves management.
Also Corrective Services crew with a supervisor. 20m boardwalk being restored by this crew.
‘Work for the Dole’ will be available January 2016.
‘Green Army’ is being investigated for extra labour for erosion control.
Boardwalks. 2 boardwalks have not yet been done; one will be located to east of Paul Bland Reserve.
Drain covers will be relocated back to position.
Generally as there was major erosion on the track itself, in many places a completely new track is needed. Further contractors might be needed for these works. Geo-fabric is laid first, then gravel on top.
Replanting; Council prefers to educate the mowers to edge, to stop, to allow natural recovery. The mown areas were noticeably severely affected by flood debris, compared to areas of undisturbed foreshore vegetation.
Where rocks had been removed, there was also significant erosion.
Forum asked for SCC to make a brochure with photos showing difference between after flood of mowed versus non-mowed. Kerry replied SCC had put article in ‘About’.
Boats: All boats that were left on the public foreshore were destroyed by floodwaters, creating further hazards. Council has removed the remains.
Palm Beach Management Action Plan: the proposed removal/control of the seagrass wrack (as part of the PBMAP) was brought to Kerry’s attention.
Reopening: Track can’t be officially reopened until the last bridges are restored; any obstacle over 50mm is regarded as a trip hazard, and therefore impediment to declaring the track Open. Once this has all been dealt with, and there has been no extra damage from additional storms, then the official re-opening can happen.