Help us find your community’s voice on sustainable resource funding
The Australian Government is seeking applications from people interested in becoming a community assessor.
Community assessors play a crucial role in environmental and sustainable natural resource management by representing local, community perspectives on a range of funding decisions. They may be involved in assessing funding applications for things like Caring for our Country and Action on the Ground.
Caring for our Country is an Australian Government initiative that aims to build resilience in the natural environment through investing across a broad range of areas. Action on the Ground is part of the Carbon Farming Initiative under the Australian Government’s Securing a Clean Energy Future plan and is designed to help farmers and land managers make the most of new carbon farming opportunities. Further information about these initiatives can be found at or
We are seeking applications from people with:
·         broad community knowledge and experience in managing natural resources
         knowledge of local natural resource management issues and opportunities
         knowledge of sustainable farming practices (including commercial fishing and aquaculture)
         knowledge and experience in practices and technologies that can reduce the emission of greenhouse gas from the agricultural sector and/or increase carbon stored in soil.
We are interested in receiving applications from Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians across a broad age range and from all regions of Australia. I would like to seek your assistance in identifying and encouraging suitable people to apply for these important roles. There are a number of ways you may be able to do this:
·         forward this email and talk to people you think might be interested—and encourage them to download the application information via
         provide a news item or a web banner on your website that links to the community assessor recruitment website
         consider placing information in your regular member or stakeholder newsletters
         link to the website from any relevant Facebook, Twitter or other social media and networking sites you may have access to.
If you are able to assist, we can provide approved content or web banners for inclusion in newsletters, websites and correspondence. Please note that applications close at 8.00am on 26 October 2011 (Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time)—your assistance well before this time would be greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Kimberly Green
A/General Manager, Grants and Sustainable Agriculture
Australian Government Land and Coasts